These are screenshots of various user interfaces that I have designed and implemented. In almost every case, my role included development of the conceptual backend of the system as well as the user interface. I.e., for Afferent I built the search engine as well as the search interface. For MDL Base, I designed the semantics and algorithms of the wiring language as well as its interface. Etc.
For more on what these pictures mean, see my resume, which includes publications. Projects are in reverse chronological order within categories.
Implementation technologies include: Java, C#, Windows Forms, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Lisp, Clojure, React
Commercial software
Sentient Knowledge Explorer
MDL Base visual wiring language
Afferent drug discovery system
Research software
Science Commons
BioLingua bioinformatics programming environment
Skij interactive Java programming tool
Behave! Drag-and-drop language for museum exhibit
LiveWorld agent-based visual programming environment
Polyscope video-based social awareness system
MUE browser
Animal Construction Kits
Educational Toys